New Year, New Adventures, New Discoveries: Ahh, That's Happiness!

It's a brand new year and so we wish to great you dear peeps a Happy, Healthy and Hopeful New Year! Did ya' notice it! Those are heaps of H's guys!

Yes, we wish you all a HAPPY 2016, with HAPPY thoughts, HAPPY memories, HAPPY moments, HAPPY challenges, HAPPY adventures, HAPPY discoveries and possibly everything that's HAPPY!

Oh, we simply wanted to welcome new year and share with you some brand new food and travel goals and experiences with a happy mindset and a positive attitude. Time is gold and once these golden times and opportunities knock, there is a reason for us to grab and claim it with a resurgence of an optimistic outlook to meet whatever fate might bring head on.

On a personal note, trying something new would be interesting. Perhaps learning a new skill, planning on cutting out our diet to shed out the excess calories from past year's food galore (lol), and developing home space techniques would comprise the top 3 in the agenda.

How about you peeps, what's your take for this new year? Feel free to drop a few lines on the comments section below. We love you all. God bless.

Till next time,
Maven and June

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