The tour continues to Palawan Butterfly Garden, a privately owned whose aim is to conserve native butterflies. I wasn't exactly enthusiastic at first and I wasn't really sure what to expect, but since it was included in the tour price I just went with the flow.

It started with a short educational film featuring about the basics on the life cycle of a butterfly. Afterwards, we went to a whole net-enclosed tropical garden. It's quite small but worth lingering. We had a clear observation on these different species of multicolored butterflies fluttering their wings throughout the garden.

Hubby and I had a grand time taking photos while we took turns and tried to outdo each other in getting the best shots of these beautiful creatures. Tadaaa! And here are the results...

Apart from the butterfly garden, visitors can also view the display case of pupae.

Live Pupae
It is said that lots of work goes on behind scene to breed them. It took them an average of 1 month to produce butterflies from eggs. The butterflies can live an average of two weeks and everyday there are old ones dying and new one hatch from these pupae.

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